Finished and delivered the Aran merino legwarmers for J's birthday. She wore them first for tea and cake in another town with someone we've been friends with for decades. Railway heating can be unpredictable. Sorry, no photos before they were posted to her.
Picked up the sewing baton for a few days, retraced the TATB Freya tee, and applied what I'd learned in the fit along.
A few tweaks letting out at various seam allowances. I'm pleased to be homing in on a better fit.
I even cut out a second tee after adjusting the flat pattern by 1/4" here, 1/8" there. The main change will be to remove the collar and drop the neckline half an inch. Even though this is half the height of the original, my neck is still too short for this style.
Repairs? A couple of popped seams fixed for DH. Also repurposed a much-reduced Santa sack as a laundry bag. (Our old one was beyond another salvage). The sack was turned inside out to the plain side, and French seamed for added sturdiness. It's now tidy enough for the bedroom. At some stage I'll add tabs to fit it onto the old metal frame.
However, some household projects and a small software development task have jumped the queue, and the sewing machine is back on its shelf for now.
So, apart from an odd half-hour hand-knitting on the ribbed DK legwarmers, that's it for January.