I'd wanted to see whether I still enjoy crochet (I do, though it's harder on my eyes than knitting.) Also, to have a go at knitting both classic heel methods, before I choose yarn and pattern for a grown-up size later in the year.
I'm also pondering hybrid travel slippers for myself - crochet sole in chunky or doubled yarn for insulation, knit uppers for packing, and because I prefer knitted rib. There are always more projects to try.
The only sewing project was another pair of cycle shorts, in inherited neon jersey whichbreathes a little. No, not as exercise wear - for me a bike is transport - but as an underlayer. I had a week away from home, variable temperatures, and the extra layer worked when going from snow to shirtsleeves. I'm also happy to add my much altered https://www.patternsforpirates.com/product/peg-legs/ pattern to the T&T* list. The bad news? Now I want to buy fabric for leggings, to try the gusset versions, to try colour blocking, loads of options.
* T&T - tried and tested, tried and trusted, tried and true. A pattern you have made your fit adjustments to, and need to mostly think about fabric behaviour when you make up..