Tuesday, 10 October 2023

September 2023 roundup - fitting and knitting

We had two family trips away in September, the first to the Midlands, the second to Scotland. Which took me away from my sewing machine, but did encourage me to knit something portable. 

The legwarmers weren't quite finished by the end of the month, but were nearly there. It's getting cool in the evenings now (despite the unseasonable 30° earlier in the month) so these will soon be appreciated. 
No progress on the Teal Hermia summer cardigan. I didn't want to make an Internet yarn order till we came back, none of the physical shops visited carry that brand of merino. And now we're home, that colour seems to be sold out on the UK sites. Guess it will be unpicking time - serves me right for dithering so long. 

Sewing, I carried on with the Betty Foster toile (muslin). Three interesting things I've learned:
It hadn't occurred to me before to measure overbust when sitting. It's much bigger than when standing.
This design had a horizontal and a vertical bust dart. Given the flare in my ribcage (or is it the front of a swayback) I didn't need to stitch the vertical one. That explains why I can get away with about a 1" horizontal dart despite my C cup fitting. 
The shell has a very high neckline, elegant when tunic length. I was surprised it was quite comfy. Only need to drop front neck an eighth or a quarter inch. In practice, I'll probably go a bit lower and wear a scarf in the colder months. 

A project arrived, which will take much of my time and my  space for a couple of months. So the good fabric has been put away till new year.

Restored the  unpicked topstitching on new-to-me blue/black waistcoat (not quite enough fabric at hips to be worth taking up at shoulders) before donating. 
2023 Petrol blue cords, new-to-me, taken in at waist and back rise shortened. After a couple of of wears it seems I'll need to take another half inch in both places. 
Two tees let out at overbust height. This year's Freya v1, and 1995 black tee. All my long sleeved tees now have enough movement ease to sit and type without becoming painful at the underarm. Note to self. They had already been let out at the back of the sleeve cap. I need both adjustments. 
P4P White tulip tee (2021?). Used the last scraps of thick white jersey to replace the neckband. Much more stable and comfy now. It stays on my shoulders again. 

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