Sunday, 30 October 2022
Finchdale jumper, not a myth!
Wednesday, 26 October 2022
Dark red chunky man's hat
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Weasley knitting. Baby cardi, plus practice woodland cardi
Monday, 24 October 2022
Sand sea and sky yarn. Cat's ears hat
Saturday, 22 October 2022
2022 Autumn newborn hats

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Mrs Mole's Fit-a-long: try me for a day
PS Got the kitchen tidied and a few housework tasks done after I wrote this post. No problem at all using sink, worktops, cupboards. Sitting drinking nightime cuppa also fine, no friction at front underarms.
Wednesday, 19 October 2022
Mrs Mole's fit-a-long: bodice tweaks, the pictures
Since these were taken, I've replaced the temporary blue sleeves with gingham (from the beyond-salvage shirt), stitched on the pocket a smidge further to the centre, tidied the hem and darned the tear. I don't think there are enough scraps for a mandarin collar, but I can probably piece a neck facing if I don't worry too much about which is grain and which is cross-grain.
I'm really glad I looked at these pictures on a bigger screen. I think the back will be improved if I make the darts narrower, say 1/2" intake instead of the current 3/4". That'll probably help the incipient drag lines across the lower tum, too.
Also knitted more than I should have done, had fun with the family, caught up some admin and a tiny software project, and done more nature watching. (It's just past the peak of pink foot goose season here, but there are still plenty on their daily commute from saltmarsh to stubble). A good week.
Thursday, 13 October 2022
Mrs Mole's Fit-a-long: bodice tweaks
Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Mrs Mole's Fit-a-long: Recut and starting to reassemble
Sunday, 9 October 2022
Mrs Mole's Fit-a-long: updating the flat pattern
Wednesday, 5 October 2022
Mrs Mole's Fit-a-long: a quick test wear
Tuesday, 4 October 2022
Mrs Mole's Fit-a-long: testing those armscyes
Monday, 3 October 2022
2022 August and September roundup
Goodness me, is it really two months since the last round up?
You can see from recent posts that I've been concentrating on the fit-a-long while I have the rare chance of feedback. Though as you might guess I like to try to work things out myself, or at least understand as much as possible before asking.
There's also been a request from an amazing young woman for newborn hats - she's trying to keep lots of small people warm. I've promised a dozen, and have completed eight, and there's one on the needles in my handbag and one on different sized needles by the side of my bed.
Looking back through the diary
A secret cardigan, can't finish until the new person arrives and I know which side to sew the buttons on. It was knit almost in one, so I have made buttonholes in both bands, and will sew buttons over whichever is not needed. I hope this gift will make the parents smile.
Prototype for the secret cardigan - testing the pattern before I adapted it reminded me how important to swatch. This will be donated to the local baby equipment bank. Along with a failed newborn hat, that despite reducing stitch count, still came out toddler size in this yarn. Loved the effect I eventually got with the long colour runs and mixing strands from each end of the ball. Shame I don't know anyone the right age whose parents would appreciate the knitting. (The small person who gets it will be warmer this winter, and that's good enough)
Another prototype - a preemie hat to test a new-to-me cast on (the Latvian one) which is soft and stretchy. And to use up some ends of balls that didn't go with anything else. To be donated.
Before I started the fit-a-long, I spent some time trying to alter DH's worn-out blue/black cotton shirt to women's overshirt. It was an interesting exercise as a can't-spoil-it project, however in the end it looked too weird at with all the extra darts and seams for even me to wear. So, unusually, it went in the bin rather than the chest-of-drawers.
The carp poplin bra had been stitched too near the fabric edge, and was coming apart. A bit of handstitching fixed that.
The bias cut sleeveless dress was insecure at one side seam. I've zigzagged to strengthen holes at pressure points inside the seam.
Paisley Freya hadn't been trimmed after hemming. I'm not sure whether to keep it. It's too fitted to my unusual measurements to donate. Put it in the too small bag, and review next year.
And some bits of decorating, fixing up damaged spots on gloss and emulsion before the winter arrives.
What hasn't moved on?
The Finchdale aran jumper is patiently waiting for me to work out scye and shoulder shaping. What I learned in the fit-a-long will inform it - the yoke widths and how many short rows for a rounded back adjustment. I also have an unexpected (by me) need for short rows at front yoke height. Two more hats and two part-hats to finish before I attempt this. Though to be honest, having thrown out one favourite but unredeemable ancient jumper, and with my summer jumpers not quite warm enough in the evenings, I'll be glad to get this complete and wrapped around me.
Have dug out the yarn remnants of last year's Talvi knit sweater. I may make unravel the top few bodice inches and make the same changes to the upper sections.